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Understanding Your Baby's Developmental Milestones

08 May 2023

Here are some general milestones to look out for:

Physical Development:

By 3 months: lifting head and chest when lying on stomach, grasping objects, bringing hands to mouth.

By 6 months: sitting up without support, rolling over, reaching for objects with a straight arm.

By 12 months: crawling, standing with support, walking while holding onto furniture.

Cognitive Development:

By 3 months: following objects with eyes, recognizing familiar faces, responding to sounds.

By 6 months: imitating sounds, responding to their name, recognizing familiar objects.

By 12 months: pointing to objects they want, understanding simple instructions, imitating gestures.

Social and Emotional Development:

By 3 months: smiling, showing excitement and joy, responding to others' emotions.

By 6 months: recognizing familiar people, showing anxiety when separated from primary caregivers.

By 12 months: showing affection to familiar people, showing emotions such as anger or frustration, imitating others' actions.

Language and Communication Development:

By 3 months: making cooing sounds, responding to familiar voices.

By 6 months: babbling, responding to their name, using different sounds to express different emotions.

By 12 months:sayingsimplewordslike "mama"or"dada",following simpleinstructions,pointing toobjects and naming them.